March 15th, 2025

MP Report: Canada can’t wait

By GLEN MOTZ on July 29, 2022.

“Hope springs eternal”

A line coined by poet Alexander Pope in his poem ‘Essay on Man’ is as relevant today as when it was written in 1732. I believe, as Pope did then, that it is human nature to find fresh cause for optimism.

Having participated in many community events across the riding so far this summer, it is evident an optimistic renewal is occurring. In conversations with hundreds of individuals, business owners and municipal leaders attending parades, rodeos, pancake breakfasts, from one end of this massive constituency to another, the positive attitude shift is mostly related to the Conservative leadership race and the prospect of a federal Conservative government once again leading Canada.

People are hopeful that a new federal Conservative leader, with realistic views and an action plan directed toward Canada’s economic recovery, with reduced taxes and controlled government spending, will positively impact their day-to-day lives after years of the Trudeau Liberals. And, as important as keeping more of their hard-earned money in their own pockets, Canadians are looking forward to a return of the democratic freedoms that are the foundation of our great country, which have gradually eroded over the last seven years.

Some business owners have told me if there isn’t a change in Canada’s government, they can’t afford to continue operating here and will be forced to move their businesses out of the country or close their doors because of the crippling tax burden. For most individuals, relocating to a foreign country is not an option. However, for both business and individuals alike, a future with a Conservative government offers fresh cause for optimism.

The recent suggestions that Trudeau may call a late fall election, on the heels of last fall’s election, show just how nervous Liberals are becoming with the high-attention Conservative leadership race. Many believe the motivation for forcing Canadians back to the polls immediately following the Conservatives naming a new leader, is to try to catch the Opposition off guard and ill-prepared.

Other experts indicate Canada’s economic condition will only worsen over the next six months and won’t be fully realized by Canadians until the first part of 2023. By calling another early election, it is thought that the Trudeau Liberals will try to escape accountability for this tremendous damage before things get even worse.

Still others point to the rapid decline of Trudeau’s popularity as a reason to call an election before a total collapse. Whatever the motivation, I can assure you we are prepared for an election, whenever that should occur.

The Liberals should be nervous based on the results of a recent survey by Mainstreet Research which shows that a Pierre Poilievre-led Conservative Party would crush the Liberals in the next election. According to the July 15-18 survey, the Conservatives would win 39 per cent of the popular vote to the Liberals’ 27 per cent.

Given the growing optimism and hope for change being expressed close to home and across the country, I strongly believe a Conservative government is on the horizon. Canadians can’t wait!

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2 years ago

My hope would be that the Conservative party would let the Alberta citizens know how they will be repayed the billions that have been given to Eastern Canada