March 15th, 2025

Just Pondering: The value of friendship

By Allyson McCaw on May 26, 2022.

I was recently reminded of the value of friendship and our connection to each other.

My husband has a Facebook account and usually I am berating him for spending hours scrolling through endless posts that I sometimes find offensive and quite frankly scary. However, Facebook became useful in the way it was intended and that was to connect people in a meaningful way. He was able to touch base with an old friend who he had not seen or spoken to for over 50 years.

Through the power of the internet, they connected and then actually spoke over the phone, and as husband said, “It was like we had just seen each other yesterday.”

He was so thrilled and touched to find a buddy who was very dear to him.

We all have those one or two special folks from our past that time never changes. It’s these friends who, as soon as you hear their voice, the clock stops and you pick up a conversation like you were never apart. You talk for an hour and vow not to let so much time pass again.

However, life goes on and before you know it another five years go by – does anyone know where the last two years went? Because I seriously lost a year somewhere in COVID time. So, I am encouraging each of you to go to your phone, laptop or heaven forbid a pen and paper and just connect with an old friend. It is good for the soul.

I am often reminded of that famous line from the movie Crocodile Dundee, where the character played by Paul Hogan, Mick, remarks, “Doesn’t he have any friends?” when he discovers most people see a psychiatrist to share problems. Certainly, no shame in that but I too believe an hour-long chat with an old acquaintance works, too! The other takeaway is please stop texting and dial the number. Hear the voice and have an immediate conversation. The sound of a voice carries so much more meaning than empty words on a screen.

This whole cell phone phenomenon and our attachment is a column for another day. My age is showing so just shoot me!

Allyson McCaw is a Medicine Hatter

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