March 15th, 2025

Just Pondering: New Year’s resoultions

By ALLYSON MCCAW on January 27, 2022.

Well, we have begun a new year and just like everyone I thought about my resolutions for this year. And just like every year I vow to lose weight, exercise more and be a better person.

I can honestly say I stay focused on this for about two weeks and then everything goes south. The only people who win in that game are gym memberships and diet clubs.

But this year I am trying a different approach and decided to focus on tangible goals and to tackle those things we all put off or shelve away under “have to do this soon.” However, they are all those things that also fall under the heading of “I never want to talk about it,” and so we wait.

I am suggesting we take stock of the uncomfortable subjects such as wills, personal directives and funerals. How is that for making everyone reading this squirm?!

Do not close the paper yet. I have always said that getting these things in order are the greatest gift you can give to your loved ones. There is nothing more overwhelming than losing someone and then having to try to navigate through grief and decision making of epic portions. It is truly the worst.

So, I am saying “bite the bullet.” Sit down and have a conversation with those important people and let them hear your voice. Use humor, it does not hurt. There is a whole lot of eye-rolling from our children when I start in on this, but I know some day they will be making decisions and they will hear my voice in their head and know exactly what to do. When my hubby and I bought our resting place and made the decision on a columbarium, I suggested we buy on the bottom level, so my hubby has to “bow down to speak to me.” I kind of like that thought! See? Humour!

You certainly do not need to go to that length but simply making an appointment with a lawyer to draw up a will is a great starting point. Then let those loved ones know where it is! Talk about your thoughts on organ donation, resuscitations and ICU visits. I think COVID has made us stop and think about the “what ifs” in life.

Inform yourself. Do not assume you know how everything works. Attend an information night on wills and personal directives. Use the people who have the knowledge. Just do something! Do not put it off. Like the old saying goes: the only things for sure in this life are death and taxes. We sure know a whole lot about the tax system because it kicks in every April, but do we really do anything about the death part?

So as the famous commercial says, “Just Do It.” I promise you will breathe easier and then you can concentrate on removing all the clothes piled on your treadmill machine and actually fire it up!

Stay well.

Allyson McCaw is a Medicine Hatter.

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