March 5th, 2025

MP Report: Better government is possible

By Glen Motz on August 6, 2021.

Over the past five years there have been times when constituents have challenged me on the manner in which Conservative Members of Parliament, including myself, have confronted or questioned Liberal legislation, Liberal ministers, or demanded answers of government – often through heated debate in the House of Commons or at Committees.

Some consider Conservative methods as being overly critical or politically partisan when pointing out Liberal scandals, corruption, ethics violations, or matters that are simply not in the best interests of Canada or Canadians. However, as the Official Opposition we are fulfilling our responsibility in holding the government to the highest democratic standards expected by the people of this great country, who we were elected to serve.

Unfortunately, the Trudeau Liberal failures are so numerous and egregious that Canadians have understandably lost trust in government. When Canadians speak of their government their words should reflect pride in the values, principles and beliefs of their federal leadership and how those foundational platforms are improving the lives of Canadians.

Conservatives have a plan to re-instill hope and rejuvenate the national pride that has been missing for far too long. After all, it was Conservative values that founded this great country and can restore it to what it once was, even better.

We stand for sovereignty and a strong national defence; open federalism and national unity; free enterprise and individual achievement; and the opportunity for all Canadians, regardless of their background, to achieve their dreams in a safe, healthy and prosperous country. We believe in a balance between fiscal responsibility, compassionate social policy that empowers the less fortunate, the equality of opportunity, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals and families. We recognize the regional, cultural and socio-economic diversity of our country, with the understanding that by embracing our differences we honour the concept of Canada as the greater sum of all of its strong parts. We are all better together and we understand that responsible government can repair the breaches that are currently tearing at our national fabric.

We stand for a nation that is strong, independent and free by believing in the equality of all Canadians, in the value and dignity of all human life, and in the freedom of the individual, including freedom of speech, worship and assembly. We trust in the institutions of Parliament and the democratic process, along with the sustainability of strong provincial and territorial governments.

Conservative beliefs are common sense beliefs, easily embraced by all Canadians. We recognize that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next. Also vital is providing reasonable access to quality health care, regardless of ability to pay, and creating a climate where individual initiative is rewarded, excellence pursued, security and privacy of the individual is provided and prosperity is guaranteed by a free competitive market economy.

There is no room for entitlement in a Conservative government, for we know good and responsible leadership is attentive to the people it represents, and elected officials must at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and display integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all.

These values, principles and beliefs are not an unattainable dream of Canadians. They should be expected from their government. I believe they are possible with a principled, Canadians’ focused, strong, ethical Conservative government.

Glen Motz is the Member of Parliament for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner

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3 years ago

I have a question. How does your party plan on paying back to Alberta the Billions that have been stolen from this Provence.

3 years ago

Waiting for answer

3 years ago

Still waiting for answer. Here is one of the problems we face as a province that pays huge amounts into federal government but we have little say in confederation. Personally I do not think it is possible for a single party to represent the needs of Alberta and the wants of Eastern Canada.

3 years ago

Still no reply to a simple question that should be a great concern to any politician that wants to represent Albertans in a Federal Government.

3 years ago

Another day still no answer. Why should we vote for a party that can not answer a simple question.