March 17th, 2025

MP Report: ‘Social experiment’ damage

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on June 4, 2021.

Explaining the many negative impacts of the Trudeau liberal policies of the past 5 ½ years has been a full-time challenge. However, the unmitigated disaster of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout – witnessed by all – has revealed that this and so many other Liberal policy initiatives are nothing more than social experiments failing Canadians.

This government’s mismanagement of the pandemic from the outset, beginning with the Health Minister telling Canadians the risk of the virus was low, masks unnecessary and that border closures wouldn’t stop the spread, is well documented. By ignoring the advice of global scientific experts during those early days, COVID hit Canada hard. The loss of lives, a decimated economy and broad unemployment are testament that ‘doing it the Liberal way’ was a colossal failure.

Canada’s lack of vaccine supply rests squarely on the shoulders of the Trudeau Liberals for depending on China. Of course, the communist regime reneged on the contract, leaving Canada months behind other countries in securing a vaccine supply, and at the bottom of manufacturers’ backlogs.

With vaccines trickling in and the reality that all Canadians will not be fully vaccinated by September as originally promised, the government’s solution is to ignore the manufacturers’ specifications of a two-dose treatment. Trudeau’s proclamation of a “One-dose summer, two-dose fall,” smacks of arrogance. We are the only country in the world delaying second doses by months, a strategy that’s been denounced by Canadian and international experts, who’ve noted, “This is a social experiment with unknown consequences.”

The pandemic management collapse, although the most obvious of the Liberals ‘social experiments’, is not alone. They have introduced many dangerous precedents to test their own ideological theories on the cornerstones of Canadian society.

Canadians have lost faith in our justice system as the Liberals have shifted from putting criminals in jail and supporting victims, to supporting criminals by reducing sentences and ignoring victims. Indifference to criminal court backlogs, escalating rural crime and the inappropriate replacement of parole board appointees is alarming. The result, Canada’s crime rate has increased every year since 2015.

The mismanagement of our economy, with out of control spending, excessive debt and money printing is yet another ‘social experiment’ which, historically, has proven to have negative impacts on social programs and normal government operations. In the last 5 ½ years, the Trudeau Liberals have printed and borrowed more money than all other Canadian federal governments combined in our nation’s 154-year history. Governments that run up debt and never reign in spending eventually collapse. The collapse of the Liberals would actually benefit Canadians when replaced by a Conservative government.

Damaging experiments are not progress. Therefore, when the test lab becomes the real lives of Canadians, it is critical the Liberals ‘social experiments’ are stopped before the devastation is irreversible.

Glen Motz is the Member of Parliament for Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner

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