March 17th, 2025

Just Pondering: Pandemic pondering

By Medicine Hat News Opinion on January 28, 2021.

The year we just put behind us was one like no other in our history. I know we have all experienced frustration, fatigue and in some cases true pain through loss of a loved one. So I would like to offer a lighter side of COVID-19 that I am pretty sure some of us have shared.

So, we have gotten used to mask wearing and it is all good. Totally doable, but will someone please give me a tutorial in mask wearing that involves removing the damn thing? I wear hearing aids. For those of us who now must remove a toque, glasses and a mask, how do we do this without ripping the hearing aid out of its resting place and flinging it to the ground? It is a 10-minute ordeal to untangle the equipment and not look an idiot standing in Walmart.

Because of the aforementioned loss of right-ear hearing aid during such a mishap, I must listen to the TV at levels that make my family run for the hills.

Speaking of TV – can someone explain to me how an intelligent civilization has fallen in love with a creature called “Baby Yoda?” Those Disney people are smart cookies as they developed one of the most homeliest little things you have ever seen and all you want to do is reach in and cuddle the thing. There’s a collective sigh heard worldwide when that little hand reaches out to touch the big strong Mandalorian.

If you don’t know what or who the Mandalorian is, it’s OK. I didn’t either until my two adult sons moved back home from university during COVID. Oh joy. I love my children more than anything, but after many years of being alone, my husband and I had to adjust to what I lovingly call the “Locusts.” We are considering remortgaging our house to cover the grocery costs.

In mentioning my husband, I know we’ve all spent a lot more time looking at our mates as we are locked up together. Have you noticed they seem to have more hair growing out of every orifice on their face (i.e. nose and ears) but unable to keep it on their heads? And don’t get me started on the whole hair-cutting debacle. It’s a scary world when you cut your hair to look like your Grade 5 school picture. No one should have to see that again!

I hope this gives you a little chuckle to start the day and just eases some of that frustration and fatigue. Huge shout-out to the frontline workers who are doing so much against overwhelming odds. Keep the faith everyone, this too shall pass. Just think we can whip that Christmas tree up again in August and have the biggest party yet! Stay safe and well.

Allyson McCaw is a Medicine Hatter. Her column, Just Pondering, will run on the fourth Thursday of each month. Feedback can be sent to

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