March 18th, 2025

MLA Report: Alberta Recovery Plan addresses new reality

By medicinehatnews on July 24, 2020.

Part 1 of a two-part series. See Saturday for Part 2.

Alberta is facing unprecedented times with the triple threat of a global economic meltdown, a crash in energy prices, and a world-wide pandemic – the extent and duration of which remains to be seen.

That is why Alberta’s government is taking bold action to create jobs, build, and diversify.

The Alberta Recovery Plan addresses today’s economic reality while at the same time paves the way for a brighter tomorrow.

Alberta’s response to COVID-19 has been remarkable. The people of this province banded together to protect one another, while at the same time came up with ingenious ways to ensure their neighbours got what they needed.

As the situation changed, Albertans adjusted; all the while working together to accomplish the same goal- saving lives.

I could not be more proud of my fellow Albertans. They demonstrated the compassion, determination and innovation that is the embodiment of the Alberta spirit.

That is why I am confident that this province can tackle the economic reality we are facing.

Alberta’s government will create jobs today by investing $10 billion in infrastructure throughout the province; the largest infrastructure investment in Alberta’s history creating 50,000 jobs. This infrastructure investment builds on the nearly $1 billion in increased funding to the Capital Plan announced in April and will accelerate the construction schedule for projects throughout the province. Projects such as roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, waterworks, pipelines and much more will ensure the industries that fuel our economy and the services that Albertans rely on are well-positioned for future growth.

Investment in large-scale projects will spur the creation of thousands of jobs for sub-contractors, suppliers, hotels, and restaurants. Small and medium sized businesses like these are the backbone of our economy supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs throughout the province. To help offset reopening costs to these job creators, Alberta’s government is offering Relaunch Grants of up to $5,000. This will help to get Albertans back to work safely and allow businesses to reopen with confidence.

Attracting investment to our province is key to our Recovery Plan. The last five years have seen investment dollars flee our province by the billions. Redundant regulations, rapid and sudden hikes in minimum wage and the business tax rate, burdensome red-tape, and generally business-repellant policies have had adverse effects on Alberta’s economy all put in place during one of the most severe economic downturns since the great depression.

A stagnant economy also affects community organizations that support Alberta’s most vulnerable. HALO, Global Village, the Medicine Hat Food Bank, and many others throughout our province rely on donations to operate. Less disposable income for individuals and businesses means less money for our civil societies to carry out their important work.

Michaela Glasgo is MLA for the Brooks-Medicine Hat constituency. She can be reached at (587) 270-5110 or

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