March 17th, 2025

Cherry bombed

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on November 13, 2019.

Classy Don Cherry has turned Canada’s national day of remembrance into a Twitter debate on racism and freedom of speech. In the process, he’s been fired by Sportsnet.

“You people … you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple bucks for a poppy or something like that,” Cherry said on a nationally-televised broadcast – his final one – in reference to new immigrants who don’t wear a poppy on Remembrance Day.

What does this have to do with a hockey?

Cherry was once the greatest thing about “Hockey Night in Canada.” Even if the game was lousy, you would still enjoy the first intermission and his post-game analysis.

But, it became old and stale.

Cherry, the original xenophobe turned hockey analyst, never kept up with the times. Mr. “Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em” last coached professionally in 1980, two years before “Coach’s Corner” went on the air.

He’d often say “you kids out there,” and then promote violence in the game.

The sport has changed since he coached … and so have people’s attitudes towards newcomers to Canada.

In Saturday’s broadcast, Cherry’s diatribe was an attempt to appeal to his fan base. His fans have grown up. Their attitudes have changed.

Cherry’s mistake was he targeted new Canadians. There were a lot of white guys walking around Toronto without poppies on their lapel. If he criticized everyone who didn’t wear a poppy, it wouldn’t have become an issue.

The ungrateful-immigrant stereotype is not needed at a time when Canada is already divided. Cherry was likely unaware of the vast contributions ethnic minorities made to the war effort.

It’s unfortunate this cost Cherry his job. He’s done far more good, than harm.

This writer will forever remember him waiting for five minutes in a hotel lobby, for his assistant to run to his car and find a souvenir for a little girl in a wheelchair who waited patiently for over an hour to get an autograph.

As for Sportsnet, they had no choice. Cherry had to go. But, so should have his producer.

Cherry can be a loose cannon. We all know that. Why wasn’t he on tape delay? Why wasn’t it in his contract that anything non-hockey related be approved in advance?

At 85, this is a sad way to end a career.

–Kelowna Daily Courier

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