March 17th, 2025

MLA Report: The Alberta I know

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on October 25, 2019.

Aside from being the home of the greatest rivalry in the NHL, Alberta has many claims to fame. For decades, Alberta has led the charge for responsible energy production, being cited in various reports as one of the best places to do business, work and support a family. Since the first oil boom and discovery at the Leduc No. 1 site in 1947, Alberta has been a powerhouse for the rest of the country.

For me personally, the Alberta energy industry has provided me with everything that I have, and a wonderful, humble life as I was growing up. With the majority of my family employed by the oil and gas industry, I feel that it is timeto discuss some very important things about our energy industry and the people that work within it.

Alberta has the highest environmental standards in the world for oil production. Oil companies invest in innovation and the minds of smart, young and fabulous engineers and other professionals – they are always trying to be socially conscious and have the least amount of visible impact on our beautiful land that we call home. Even before the former NDP government introduced an increase in corporate taxes, a cap on emissions and the notorious carbon tax, we ranked in the top three of the world for ethical production – we are not the “embarrassing cousin” and are most certainly not akin to sewer rats as the NDP had suggested.

Oil and gas companies, many of which have their headquarters in Alberta, and small businesses not only create jobs but also fund swimming pools, build hockey arenas, and sponsor charity events across the nation. We know, here, that when Alberta was hit with flood and fire, our oil companies stepped up, donated space and money and provided support for families fleeing disaster and we love them for that.

Finally, those who are employed in the oil industry are good, hardworking, and kind people. They are fathers, mothers, conservationists and a million other things. They attend hockey games, read their children nighttime stories, hike the Rockies, cheer for our country’s success and vote in elections. They are proud people, yet they are also compassionate. They know that the wealth created by the work that they do reaches beyond our borders and they are proud of the strength of our industries.

For an Albertan like me, a legislator and a community representative, this conversation is not over until every Canadian man, woman and child has enough information to have an informed and balanced discussion on the merits of Alberta’s energy sector. I am proud to be an Albertan and proud to be the daughter of a pipeliner.

Michaela Glasgo is MLA (UCP) for Brooks-Medicine Hat constituency.

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