March 16th, 2025

Why do criminals have the power?

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on September 27, 2019.

What a crazy world we live in when someone who breaks into your home appears to have more rights than you do.

In February 2018 Edouard Maurice of Okotoks became aware of people on his property and at the time they were going through his vehicle.

It is alleged Maurice fired a warning shot because he was concerned for the safety of his family. Apparently the shot, according to Maurice, ricocheted and hit one of the people on his property in the arm.

The RCMP initially charged Maurice but then dropped the charges.

This week we learned that the person who was hit by the bullet on Maurice’s property is now suing Maurice for compensation in the region of $100,000 for the pain and suffering he has endured and loss of income.

We do not know all the details yet but there has been plenty of advice given out this week in the media to others who may find themselves with a burglar in their home or on their property.

It has been suggested you should not take any physical action unless you are being physically attacked.

This raises some really interesting questions about trespassing on private property. What about break and enter? Should you just stand by and watch thieves load up a truck with everything they want from your home? As long as they don’t physically attack you you just remain on the telephone line hoping for police to arrive before something terrible happens.

If you live in a rural area you are at even greater risk because who knows how long it will take for law enforcement to arrive on the scene.

If you fail to follow these guideline you run the risk of being the one having to find money to get a lawyer to represent you in court and you could see your life savings gone in a flash. We have not even mentioned the mental anguish and trauma for you and your family who have endured the experience.

Your home was the one place where you could feel safe. Anyone violating that space was choosing to put themselves at risk. Now that has all changed.

It feels as though the criminals have all the power. There is something terribly wrong with this picture.

If we need to change some laws to change this picture then politicians should have no sleep until it is done.

(Gillian Slade is a News reporter. To comment on this and other editorials, go to, email her at or call her at 403-528-8635.)

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5 years ago

insanely bad opinion.

5 years ago
Reply to  nope

Really easy to slam someone else’s opinion without offering one of your own

5 years ago
Reply to  llegs

if i need to spell it out, shooting someone because you think they might be thinking of stealing from you makes you an absolute danger to society, full stop

5 years ago

What do you think they are on my property to do, They are trespassing and I have no idea what their intentions are. By your logic I should just wait and hope they don’t harm me or my family.
The absolute danger here is people like you telling me I cannot protect my family or property.

5 years ago
Reply to  llegs

publicly fantasizing about what kind of excuse you need to kill someone, totally healthy and normal

5 years ago

I have to agree with LLEGS Trespass at your own risk, land owners are out there with no immediate help. Interesting how NOPE talks a lot but offers no other solutions.

5 years ago
Reply to  justice11

solution to what, your desire to shoot someone in the back the first chance you get? get professional help dude

5 years ago

Besides you, who said anything about shooting someone in the back.I have a right to defend my family and property. Pretty simple really, stay off my land and we won’t have a problem. Still haven’t heard another solution !!!

5 years ago
Reply to  justice11

if the only thing you’re willing to accept as a solution is you having the right to kill someone without consequence, then you should be seeking professional help. there’s no shame in it.

5 years ago

If you really believe we should not have the right to defend life and property then how about giving out your address. Be sure to post here how that works out for you.

5 years ago
Reply to  justice11

i hope you take my advice and get some help

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