March 15th, 2025

Don’t have a cow, man

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on May 1, 2019.

The animation has improved, but “The Simpsons” haven’t been funny for years.

Long gone are the days of the family zapping each other with electric shocks in Dr. Marvin Monroe’s office, Krusty getting framed and a miniature golf showdown between Bart and Todd Flanders.

Still, many of us tuned in Sunday – some for the first time since 2010 when the family went to the Vancouver Winter Olympics – to watch “D’oh Canada!,” an episode set in Canada.

There was Niagara Falls, Windsor’s Ambassador Bridge, The Handmaid’s Tale, free health care, manners and even references to both Medicine Hat and Fort McMurray.

Hey, where was Justin Bieber?

One of the show’s co-writers is Canadian and he loaded the episode with Canadian references.

A short scene in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office (it wasn’t voiced by the real Trudeau) was hilarious. It illustrates how some Americans admire Trudeau more than their own president. It made reference to the PM being in excellent physical shape.

But then Trudeau jumps out a window after Lisa asks about SNC-Lavalin. Hilarious – never mind American viewers wouldn’t have gotten the joke.

But, the Ottawa Senators are offended (their dismal record was mocked). So are Eastern Canadians, stereotyped as “seal-clubbing, stupid Newfies.”

More offensive was a scene where Lisa, protected only by a child’s bubble, goes over the falls. Uncool. If you go over the falls, you won’t survive.

Back to the Canadian jokes. “The Simpsons” is a satirical comedy. It’s meant to make people laugh.

If we can’t laugh at ourselves, who can we laugh at?

For Canada to be featured on an iconic show like “The Simpsons” – one that will live on for decades in reruns – we should be honoured.

The majority of the material in Sunday’s episode was praising Canadians.

In the words of Bartholomew J. Simpson … “don’t have a cow, man!”

— Kelowna Daily Courier

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