March 15th, 2025

MLA Report: Grateful for opportunities presented by free enterprise

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on December 21, 2018.

It’s mid-December and I wake up at home to a wonderful 3 C! Just one of many things I am grateful for, and it often happens in Cypress-Medicine Hat. We are always five degrees warmer than Edmonton.

Canada is the fifth-largest exporter of food in the world and that of course reminds me to celebrate and thank our “top drawer” farmers and ranchers who have innovated, conserved and produced remarkably for so many years.

I have read that Alberta has the second- or third-largest reserve of oil in the world. Either way, it’s a lot. And it is here for Albertans, Canadians and our world trading partners to develop, tax and build wealth and opportunity from. When I see how many of our local Cypress-Medicine Hatters are now leaders in this industry, I am reminded of the exciting challenge and opportunity that free enterprise provides.

Session ended in the Legislature on Dec. 6 and already I have had the chance to stop in at many charity functions and see just how incredibly generous my friends and neighbours are. The Medicine Hat News Santa Claus Fund was a recent one, where for almost 30 consecutive years Darren Lutz and Lorraine Schmaltz have helped children celebrate Christmas and helped us have a lot of fun at the event and increase our willingness to give just a bit more. We also don’t have to look too far in the past to see how Cypress-Medicine Hatters rallied to give their time, skill or money to support prairie wildfire or flood victims. I believe that southern Albertans lead the nation in willingness to donate or volunteer, and I see it first-hand every day.

I have also read that Medicine Hat leads Canada in coffee shops and coffee consumption. Probably true, but what that really tells me is we lead the nation in sitting down with our friends and family and sharing laughs, stories and solving the world’s problems.

When I stop in at a coffee shop, the most common question is “what do I think of America?” The answer: “I focus on Alberta’s people and opportunities, but one has to admire how the U.S. has become self-sufficient in oil production and is setting a rapid pace for jobs and growth after their income tax cuts.” One only has to consider the contrast to North Dakota with their 2.6 per cent unemployment rate, 1 to 2.9-per cent income tax rate, wage growth, and state oil and gas royalties exceeding budget because of a strong oil and gas price and economy. With the right policy and leadership, I know that Alberta and our southeast corner can be a world leader in opportunity and freedom again.

It is a blessing to be counted that we have such great opportunity because of our people, relationships, and commodities. I will be in Medicine Hat and area until the Legislature resumes in late February. I ask that everyone feel free to stop in, or call, and let me know what your ideas are and to help me stay focused on families, communities and the right kind of policy and legislation to ensure that free enterprise can provide jobs, wealth and opportunity.

Drew Barnes is MLA (UCP) for Cypress-Medicine Hat constituency.

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