March 12th, 2025

MLA Report: Good news for Alberta: All economic indicators pointing in right direction

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on November 24, 2017.

Alberta is forecast to see real GDP rise to a staggering 6.7 per cent — more than doubling B.C.’s predicted 3.2 per cent growth rate and more than tripling Saskatchewan’s 2.1 per cent — according to the Conference Board of Canada’s latest report released this week.

This is good news for Medicine Hat as Alberta is set to return as Canada’s economic engine and should be seen as such no matter what one’s political stripe might be.

The trend of increased employment/ decreased unemployment in Medicine Hat and a more optimistic outlook for the province is continuing.

There has been an increase of 4,700 Hatters employed between October 2015 and October 2017, according to the latest Medicine Hat-specific Statistics Canada jobs report, with a 2.8 per cent drop in the unemployment rate over the same period.

The price-per-barrel of oil continues its march to $60 and is currently trading at or above the Alberta forecast $55 bbl for this fiscal year.

During the recent downturn, we saw tens of millions of dollars in provincially-supported projects in Medicine Hat which resulted in funding of two new firehalls, investments in city transit, new roads and schools built or modernized.

Provincial funding has been provided to cover the costs of new berms which will protect the city from flooding, a new lift station that will increase access to potable water to rural residents while Alberta continues its support of social services.

These investments have kept Hatters employed during some of the toughest economic periods our province has faced. And these investments come at a time when costs were at their lowest with their impact to local economies the greatest.

This administration is providing stable funding that is supporting Hatters and Albertans alike.

As the economy recovers, employment returns to levels Albertans are used to and private-sector investments in the city and province continue to build up steam, our province will be well prepared to meet the future, not from a standing start, but in full stride.

All Albertans have been able to benefit from energy-efficiency programs which are funded by the provincial carbon levy and will see homeowners insulated from fluctuating energy costs in the long term while reducing environmental impacts. In 2018, the full carbon levy rebate for the Alberta families will rise to $540.

I’m also committed to seeing a recovery of those affected by the recent wildfires that tragically swept through southeastern Alberta this fall.

I continue to be in communication with municipal officials who are dealing with the recovery along with both the ministries of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture to see those affected receive aid.

The ranching community is not just an important component to rural municipalities, it is indeed critical to the wellbeing of those of us who call Medicine Hat home.

Bob Wanner is MLA (NDP) for the Medicine Hat constituency.

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