March 12th, 2025

MLA Report: There should be no support for Nazis or hate mongers

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on August 25, 2017.

I will not support hate mongers and I take a less than dim view of people and organizations who support hate-filled groups like the neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

I call on my fellow elected officials, at all levels, along with spiritual, business and community leaders, to unequivocally and unconditionally reject hate groups and affirm that they and their supporters have no place in our society.

There may be those feeling the shackles of political correctness that prevents them from unequivocally denouncing extremists and their supporters.

This is not a time for political correctness. They need to take a walk to our city’s cenotaph and look at the names carved into the monument.

Those Canadians gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom during the Second World War by fighting Nazis and their Axis allies.

We gather every Nov. 11 on Remembrance Day to honour them.

Those Canadians who fought Nazis did so with bullets and bombs. To now denounce those who fight against hate and racism through a protest march without a permit, seems beyond the pale.

If our community leaders still feel the need to waver on their denunciation of these extremist organizations, they should be reminded that they are Canadians and they should compare the number of our citizens Nazis killed, maimed or wounded to any other threat our country has faced.

If that is not enough for our community leaders, who feel it necessary to compare at the same level those who fight against purveyors of a hate-fueled ideology, then it will be up to us to make them see the light.

It will be up to the families of veterans to bring out the medals their elders received for fighting Nazis to show the doubters what our country has and should stand for.

It will be up to the dwindling number of remaining veterans who fought against Nazis to remind our community leaders exactly what they fought for.

I’m calling on all Hatters and Canadians to use all the platforms available to state these simple words:

I will not support hate mongers.

If our elected leaders are unable to state unequivocally these words, write to them stating that you do.

Bob Wanner is MLA (NDP) for the Medicine Hat constituency.

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