March 12th, 2025

MLA Report: Small discussions can make a big difference

By Medicine Hat News Opinon on July 21, 2017.

They say if you see someone’s friends, and who they choose to surround themselves with, you can get a very good sense of who they are.

Not long ago, my wife and I were listening to a group of friends discussing Alberta’s future. The warmth, kindness and compassion for fellow Albertans was evident in so many different ways. One friend, who is one of the most generous people I know, was stuck on the fact Alberta is already more than $33 billion in debt. Shortly after, they elaborated on the fact that more than $1 billion in interest payments are going to corporations, unions and debt-holders instead of social programs, teachers and health care.

Another friend agreed with many, that burdensome, inequitable transfer payments and inter-provincial free trade barriers drastically prevent our next generation, our families and our communities from reaching their full potential. Another couple, who are volunteers extraordinaire, spent time talking about ways to enhance what groups like the Salvation Army, United Way and St. Vincent DePaul already do for our families and communities through incentives and autonomy. At the end of all of these discussions, I was thoroughly amazed, and positively reaffirmed, that the character of Albertans, their strong, smart and compassionate nature, is precisely why I got into politics in the first place.

There are many great things about representing Cypress-Medicine Hat. One of the greatest, is seeing how time and again Albertans from our region implicitly understand that independence, self-reliance and autonomy lead to happier and fulfilling lives.

I believe government’s job is to stay limited and focused so that individuals, families and communities can flourish. Local autonomy and authority not only improve effectiveness and expedite service, but they also lead to hard earned tax dollars being stretched for more value; equity and fairness between the corporate and private sector is therefore imperative to limit government intrusion. The overreach and blatant lack of candor shown by the government is further evidence that this NDP government has no idea how wealth is created — and has little respect for the risk and effort involved.

Freedom of choice from being able to keep more of your own wages, or where you send your child to school, or where and from whom you receive a necessary health treatment, not only leads to better outcomes, but also improves our satisfaction levels. That’s why I stand firm in my belief that when you, as taxpayers, care providers and Albertans are free, you can truly be happy.

I am planning on talking to many of you over the summer recess and continuing to hear what your ideas are. I plan on taking this information into the unity debate this summer, the legislature in the fall and into Alberta’s future as we work together to foster our region’s youth and familial growth.

Drew Barnes is the MLA (Wildrose) for Cypress-Medicine Hat constituency.

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