By Letter to the Editor on February 27, 2025.
Dear editor, Hey Trump… Many years ago I learned of supply and demand in an Introductory Economics class. Basically, no demand, no supply – read that carefully. If your American people did not demand drugs (fentanyl and crack for example) the supply of such would dwindle. Therefore the problem lies with demand, not supply. Your people want drugs. Furthermore, when their demand for drugs exceeds their supply, production thrives. I am certain that many Mexican, Chinese and a handful of Canadians are thankful for American demands for more and more and more drugs – perhaps it helps them forget the despotic times of slashed budgets, unimaginable layoffs and medicinal cutbacks that your actions are producing, not to mention the horrors yet to be revealed. Demand will rise with your drastic policies as desperation begins to rule American lives and futures. How about solving your problems instead of blaming the “good” capitalists who furnish the supply? Why don’t you concentrate on understanding why there is such a demand emanating from your millions of users? Or is that much too complicated for you and your capitalist cronies to deal with? Ben Moffat Medicine Hat 6
Terrific letter, Ben! Probably some of the biggest buyers of illicit drugs in the United States are the high-flying buddies of Trump and Musk et al. And why do so many people in such a great country need all those mind-altering drugs?