October 17th, 2024

Letter: Using taxpayer money for hate-filled, nonsensical ad campaign is ridiculous

By Letter to the Editor on October 17, 2024.

Dear editor,

Looks like the newspaper has sold out to the separatist-leaning Alberta government.

They have accepted two full page ads starting on the front page that is the most fear-mongering, federal-government hating and pure propaganda nonsense from a sitting government ever. This is not the way to spend $7 million of our tax money.

This should not be sponsored by a sitting government. Use the party’s money, not mine, to spread this hate. We all know Danielle Smith hates the federal government and wants Alberta to separate to form a new country. But to use our money to try and convince us, that is pure Trumpism.

We have not asked for a new pension plan at huge costs to us that economists have said won’t work. We have not asked for a provincial police force when the RCMP works well here.

We have not asked for unvaccinated kids in our schools creating havoc with others. We have not asked for privatized health care when a fair wage for doctors and nurses would be more beneficial.

We have not asked for coal mines in our mountains whose processing will poison our drinking water.

The list goes on and on of things we never asked for.

Spending UCP funds is fair game but using taxpayers’ money without their permission is possibly illegal. We are all proud Canadians and usually decry Quebec when they want to separate.

Well, that also applies to Alberta. Separation means we will become the 51st state in a heartbeat. It’s our money, yours and mine, that is sponsoring all this propaganda.

Open your eyes to see this is a separatist government spending money on foolish things that Danielle Smith and her cronies think will lead to their nirvana.

I wonder how many of you have asked to separate. I, for one, have not.

Tom Rooke

Medicine Hat

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