March 14th, 2025

Letter: Citizens must be heard regarding Canada Pension Plan

By Letter to the Editor on June 4, 2024.

Dear editor,

Are you concerned about your CPP? If you live in this province, you should be.

Danielle Smith’s UCP are actively campaigning at town halls across this province to convince people to trust them with our money. We are to trust them by replacing CPP with an Alberta Pension Plan.

Spewing out numbers that are not factual; because the federal government has not provided this data, yet. Against a plethora of backlash and protest across Alberta regarding Bill 18 and 20, Smith’s UCP passed those bills anyway; even dictating the amount of time allowed to debate them.

This is right out of the authoritarian playbook. It is overreach and undemocratic.

Don’t be silent and think they won’t do the same with your CPP. CPP had a rate of return of 9.3% over 10 years, and is envied around the world. Sustainable and reliable, it is ranked as one of the top performing funds in the world.

This is your money.

Speak out. Push Back. Hands Offs our CPP PROTEST. When: June 8; Where: Danielle Smith’s office, 740 Division Ave. N., Time: 2-3:30 p.m.

Show up, bring signs. We need you in numbers. This matters. Protests will be taking place in Calgary and Edmonton the same day.

#enoughisenoughucp AWARE would like to thank all the citizens that showed up and supported our Day of Action on May 25. This is the way forward to a better Alberta for everyone.

AWARE (facebook: awaremhab) Anna Hansen, Betty Aitken, Donna Balas, Kym Porter, Laura Trebble, Michelle Sauve, Shelley Ewing

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