March 14th, 2025

Letter: How water usage is managed at Connaught Golf Course

By Letter to the Editor on May 9, 2024.

Dear editor,

As a former member of the executive who also served eight years as chairman of the grounds committee, I learned quickly from the grounds superintendent of the day that one of the main concerns years in and out was water management.

SMRID provides the water for the Medicine Hat Line, and after assessment of the snowpack and consultation with users sets the amount of water you can expect. However, when you realize you are the last spigot on the line, delivery is not always as planned.

In the spring and fall watering of greens and tee boxes is by hand using stored water from the main pond, treated water is never used as it is cost prohibitive. During dry years – and there have been many – the procedure which I believe is still followed today is, watering of the rough ceases, next fairways are only watered as absolutely necessary but the greens and tee boxes, which constitute a small area, are continually watered.

I noted from a Medicine Hat News article last fall that the course closed early to ensure there would be sufficient stored water to hand water this spring.

As a final note, in good years SMRID is required to return all surplus water to the river, accomplished through the series of ponds on the golf course and on Medicine Hat College, which in turn connect to the large city pond and then Seven Persons Creek.

Bryan Laidlaw

Medicine Hat

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