March 14th, 2025

Letter: Let’s make the Esplanade safe for everyone

By Letter to the Editor on March 26, 2024.

Dear editor,

Ever since the Esplanade first opened there have been unresolved safety and accessibility issues. But after my latest visit here are two that should receive immediate attention.

Unlike the Jubilee Auditorium in Calgary, the Esplanade does not have centre aisle handrails for audience members with seats located in the upper balcony. If you use a cane or have had recent hip or knee surgery taking the hike down to your third-tier seats could result in a head-first dive. You could be the first act – and the last.

I remember that originally the highest row of seats in the balcony were labelled for the use of persons who had accessibility issues. This was utter nonsense; the labels were removed.

Another issue is the absence of handrails adjacent to toilets in the Esplanade’s washrooms. Our community has far too many persons with physical impairments that necessitate these physical assists.

As a former Medicine Hat Community Inclusion Co-ordinator, I understand the old City motto, “On time and on budget.” In the early days, there was a rush to open the doors and avoid public criticism over the project’s costs. But those days are long past. Let’s bring this civic treasure up to code or better. Our safe enjoyment of this facility demands it.

Les Pearson

Medicine Hat

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