March 14th, 2025

Letters: Concerned about pension positioning

By medicinehatnews on November 2, 2023.


I am very concerned about the Alberta government’s exploration of leaving the Canadian Pension Plan and creating an Alberta Pension Plan.

It is based on a pretty picture and the Alberta Government’s view that it is entitled to more than half the total assets of the present CPP, which is preposterous at best.

Why would one province or territory be entitled to that ridiculous amount which would leave all others to a much smaller amount to divide? It is totally unrealistic and unreasonable.

Beyond this, my initial thoughts on the proposal was “why?” Why does the Alberta government want to change the pension plans?

In my view they want to control the facets of the plan, such as contribution amounts, who may be eligible, for how long and at what rate.

They could also have the ability to make amendments to a provincial plan, such as removing cost-of-living increases and other changes they see as beneficial to the Alberta Government of the day.

In their advertising they paint the prettiest picture of a mirage that I have ever seen. It is not so much what they say, however, but what they do not explain.

I remember, and I hope you will too, that if it sounds too good to be true that it usually is. I am fearful that we could end up with a mouthful of dust.

Be wary what you wish for.

W. Korzyniowski

Medicine Hat

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