March 14th, 2025

Letter: We shouldn’t complain about Co-op Place location, we should do something about it

By Letter to the Editor on July 12, 2023.

Dear editor,

Yes, it really is time to stop complaining about the Co-op Place location.

However, please, let’s consider doing something to reduce the inherited resulting financial burden, and not just go on continuously, (for years now), accepting the large annual maintenance cost for a lovely, but seldom used and frequently empty facility, (primarily associated with its location).

In my view, there are two options worthy of consideration: provide free regularly scheduled local bus transportation for all interested events centre attendees, (making it far more accessible for all residents and hotel guests) hence improving paid attendance numbers and likely income, or, although it sounds harsh, the other option is to abandon the facility entirely, repurpose it** and rebuild it elsewhere!

Keep in mind many local potential events centre-paying attendees are seniors, or youths, and others who don’t drive at all, (or don’t drive under poor weather conditions, or at night, or, thankfully, under the influence). Taxi fares to and from the remote Co-op Place location can be costly. My personal choice would be to abandon the events centre, repurpose it and rebuild it on the vacant land adjacent to our leisure centre, Rotary Track, BMX facility, Methanex Bowl, pickleball courts, plus the baseball and soccer fields.

The potential infrastructure advantages envisioned, (fortified by the recent large crowds participating in these sporting events), could be immense, possibly even qualifying for provincial financial infrastructure funding, (similar to government infrastructure funding suggested for the new Calgary events centre).

Gordon Briosi

Medicine Hat

** One conceivable repurposed events centre result, (because of its proximity to Highway 1) is overnight electric vehicle-charging (or battery exchange) Hub catering primarily to electric trucks, taking advantage of existing facilities, including washrooms, showers, plus food and beverage facilities!

The potential truck stop provision of our city-owned electricity for EV parking lot charging ports, (at a low cost), adds incentive to stay at the envisioned repurposed EV truck stop. The enormous size of the events centre building itself might ultimately even provide guest entertainment, (or, not unlike some popular U.S. truck stops, accommodate a casino).

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