March 15th, 2025

Letter: Destruction of campaign signs unacceptable on either side

By Letter to the Editor on June 1, 2023.

Dear editor,

My family moved to Medicine Hat seven years ago, and we have grown to love this city. During the recent election campaign, I have been distressed to witness the damage and destruction of political signs.

I don’t care whose political signs they are, this is vandalism of property and has no place in a respectful democracy.

Several weeks ago I vowed to repair any broken political sign I saw, no matter the colour. I have spent far too much of my time over the past few weeks fixing signs. If the words “democracy” and “respect” have any meaning to us, we need to encourage everyone to move away from this type of illegal behaviour.

I only hope that we are not on the road to the angry polarization we see south of the border.

No community is perfect, but I was sad to experience this major black eye for Medicine Hat.

John Whidden

Medicine Hat

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