March 15th, 2025

Letter: Rise in societal intolerance concerning

By Letter to the Editor on March 22, 2023.

Dear editor,

Have you noticed an increase in the intolerance in society? March 6 was Black Ballon Day when members of Mom Stop the Harm remember their family members who have died from overdose.

March 1 was the annual Disability Day of Mourning where the disability community holds vigils to recognize people murdered by their families and caregivers.

It is hard not to notice how the numbers increase year after year.

This morning on the radio there was a story about the increased intolerance toward the homosexual community in Calgary.

I know there is a trend toward intolerance and it is scary, as we know when we look at history this kind of intolerance happens when people feel insecure, when there are high rates of inflation and economic uncertainty.

I think we’d do better to not take out our frustrations on groups of people we don’t understand.

A society is better if the most vulnerable of us are taken care of. Think of it as all of the animals getting on Noah’s ark, civilization will be better off if we all make it in the end.

Diane MacNaughton


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