March 17th, 2025

Letter: What happened to leaving police operations alone?

By Letter to the Editor on October 12, 2022.

Dear editor,

Maybe I am just too suspicious and cynical of politicians these days.

Here is Coun. Andy McGrogan, ex city police chief and cop for 40 years, who successfully runs for city councillor then clearly states more than once he will have nothing to do with the police commission or the police force because of his past work history.

Yet here he is championing a bylaw and policy review of the Police Commission because he is now on the other side of a Berlin wall and I quote “likely put some of the barbed with there.”

The Police Commission is held at arm’s length from City Hall for a reason, it is called removal from political interference. Now McGrogan wants City Hall to run the police force – funny, I thought he retired from the Medicine Hat Police Service and wanted nothing to do with it.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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2 years ago

The day he showed up on Chat News with the sunglasses and the bag of Doritos tells you all you need to know about this b00b and his dedication to actual police work. Probably believes in “harm reduction” as a way to treat chronic drug addiction too, which translates into police not having to do their jobs.