March 17th, 2025

Letter: Local traffic commentary from a self labelled ‘grumpy old man’

By Letter to the Editor on September 29, 2022.

Dear Editor,

I am very pleased to see the right-hand lane at the bottom of Dunmore Hill may soon require those not turning right against a red light to use the other lane.

While on the city traffic movement subject, I am convinced flashing red lights at certain intersections might be a viable option to safely move traffic here. For example, at the dual left-turn intersection lanes heading south, descending from the railway track on Allowance Avenue overpass, and turning left onto Ninth Street SE.

Also, regarding this intersection, I typically use another route to avoid the merge lane there when heading north, because many local drivers don’t appear to understand the meaning of merge. In Alberta, no one has the right of way, and merging is a shared responsibility!

However, my biggest and most concerning beef, relates to our dangerous two-lane Highway 3. In my view, the few passing lanes help but could offer potentially expanded use, if some of the double solid yellow centre lines, (seen when approaching the opposing highway passing lanes), were replaced, (as applicable), with dashed/solid yellow lines, permitting passing if and when that extra lane is clearly visible and not being used by opposing traffic.

Gordon Briosi

Medicine Hat

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