March 15th, 2025

Letter: Trudeau is the divisive extremist, not Poilievre

By Letter to the Editor on July 13, 2022.

Dear editor,

In response to a letter published July 05, 2022

Personally, I can’t wait for the day Pierre Poilievre becomes Prime Minister of this country; Trudeau, Singh and company are damaged goods well beyond their political “best by date.”

This is exactly why people like Mr. Spiller are now trying to demonize Pierre Poilievre because in absolute terms they know he will destroy the Lib-NDP lovefest in the next election.

Further, to compare Poilievre to Scheer or O’Toole is complete and utter nonsense. Mr. Spiller you are either Liberal, NDP or delusional. The prime minister of this country (not Pierre Poilievre) aided and abetted by the leader of the NDP (and without police request) invoked the Emergency Measures Act, (EMA) a draconian measure that violated the charter rights and freedoms of every Canadian.

This point is further exacerbated by the perpetual persecution of Tamara Lich, whose only crime was to challenge the Trudeau-Singh coalition.

Mr. Spiller describes Poilievre as extremist because he recognized and thanked the past efforts of truckers who ensured our supply management system needs were met during the two years of COVID; these truckers were mandate exempt and thereby permitted to traverse the border with the goods vital to our national food supply and energy needs, which likely included products you and your family purchased and consumed daily, Mr. Spiller.

Nevertheless, the moment Trudeau thought he was clear and free of COVID, his government deliberately made the decision to remove these exceptions, thereby taking away those truckers’ rights to continue earning a living.

It is in fact Trudeau who copies American (Democrat) style politics and extremism. Trudeau, like his brother to the south Joe Biden, have, aside from a multitude of other negative attributes, two glaring and obvious things in common – nepotism and scandal – and both men are masters in the execution of such.

In closing, allow me to elaborate with respect to Trudeau and the gun lobby you praise so highly; this is yet another Trudeau scandal which is under investigation for “political interference into an active/ongoing police investigation” by the Liberals.

Who is really the extremist, divisive, American-style political player on this board Mr. Spiller? It’s certainly not Pierre Poilievre.

Ken Pirie

Medicine Hat

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2 years ago

Ken I do not know you but thanks for the letter hopefully we will read more from you soon

2 years ago

Pierre Poilievre does NOT represent me or the Alberta I am proud of and will never get my vote.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jo
Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
2 years ago
Reply to  Jo

He doesn’t represent any of the true conservatives we know either Jo. The truth is he is a reformer and there is nothing conservative about him. After all he was selling reform party memberships in Calgary for Jason Kenney when he was 16 years old.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
2 years ago

Apparently Ken thinks supporting criminals and costing taxpayers $36 million is okay. The true conservatives in my world aren’t willing to be that stupid. We know the difference between true conservatives and these phoney fake reform party ones. As much as we have not been fans of Trudeau we aren’t going to bash him for providing young Albertans with an additional $30 billion to save them during this COVID pandemic and saving our oil industry by buying them a $4.5 billion pipeline. So where is the intelligence in Ken doing it.