March 15th, 2025

Letter: There is nothing wrong with banning the most dangerous guns and making them harder to get

By Letter to the Editor on June 10, 2022.

In response to Ian Parkinson’s June 8 letter to the editor, “Banning guns does not make them disappear.”

Dear editor,

As a hunter of 65 years and a long time conservative, I found Ian Parkinson’s June 8 letter to the editor very disturbing and just plain stupid.

As much as I am not a fan of Trudeau, I am certainly with him on this one. Why shouldn’t he try to protect the people from the type of violence we are seeing in the U.S.? There is absolutely no place in our lives for assault rifles capable of killing many people in a few seconds, or pistols that are easy to hide from view.

Neither one can be used for hunting and should not be allowed in the hands of just anyone.

Parkinson brags about being a law-abiding gun owner, and so do I, but as police officers know all too well, guns can be stolen and there is nothing wrong with banning the most dangerous ones and making them harder to get, and every hunter I know agrees.

The Edmonton Police are going through a nightmare at this time involving shootings, and handguns are the problem as they tell us in an Oct. 2020 CTV article titled “‘Edmonton has a violence problem’: Police chief speaks out on gun crime.”

Alan K. Spiller


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