March 15th, 2025

Letter: Deception is an incredible thing

By Letter to the Editor on June 8, 2022.

Dear editor,

Since the days of early 1960s (some might remember way back) the National Enquirer tabloid wrote outlandish stories that sold a lot of newspapers. Quickly some others started up similar newspapers with the same kind of fiction content – then came along the telephone scammers we’re all familiar with.

Today we’ve got cell phones with video cameras. On social media, people can make up any story they like. They can start a conspiracy theory which can destroy the reputation of some very popular people. They can put a computerized digital face on another person, as well as a sound-alike voice and mannerisms using the tool of artificial intelligence. Bill Gates has been cloned with this technology several times, and many other popular people had the same treatment. They can stage it anyway they like. It will look like him and sound like him. But it’s not him! It’s called deepfake technology! Yep, you can’t trust your ears or your eyes! With the technology we have now they can do wonders to show a lie that looks 100 per cent realistic, or get false information out with no consequences, but lots to gain.

When COVID came out two years ago they had a hay day with fake news. They actually had people thinking the vaccine was the enemy instead of the virus! Mind boggling, but true.

This type of deception can happen to anybody not taking time to think things through carefully. With Elon Musk buying Twitter, things could get very interesting in the name of freedom of speech – if there was ever a time for our discernment antenna to be raised high and fine tuned, it would be now!

People can learn what deepfake technology is for themselves , that could help broaden their understanding of what is really going on – a quick Google should do the trick.

Portraying the good thing evil, and the bad thing good – and on it goes, polarizing friends, family and social meetings of all kinds.

I’m sure it’s just a matter of time (if it’s not happening already) they’ll be painting Putin as the good guy and the Ukrainians as the villain – and you can be sure some people will believe it! Deception is an incredible thing. Like the Bible says, 1 Peter 5:8, “Satan goes around like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour…” and John 8:44, “… for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

Russell Scherer

Medicine Hat

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