March 15th, 2025

Letter: Banning guns does not make them disappear

By Letter to the Editor on June 8, 2022.

Dear editor,

Trudeau and his cheap-suited bureaucrats are lying to Canadians.

Spoiler alert, I am one of those law abiding, law respecting, safety trained, safe user, daily checked for criminal activity firearms owner. Now Justin Trudeau and his lacking imagination and common sense ministers and bureaucrats keep yapping about “banning guns” as if using that word makes them magically disappear, they “banned 1,500 assault weapons” yet they are still all in the hands of their original owners. Trudeau just “banned hand guns” yet again they are still in the hands of their original owners who can keep and use them legally. Street drugs, alcohol, sexual harassment, racism at one time were or are still banned, yet now in B.C. they will be able to legally possess and use opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA.

Between April 2020 and March 2021, there were 7,224 deaths from illegal opioid use, up from 3,711 the previous year. Firearms death by all firearms according to Stats Canada was 277 in 2020.

All levels of government and in particular the Liberal government have blown taxpayer dollars on supposed gun control laws, gun bans blah blah blah. Yet we have Canadians dying alone and in horrible circumstances from drugs. If I was the parent who has lost a child to street drugs, I would have some serious and very politically incorrect words for Trudeau and his unicorn believing staff and bureaucrats and for those who voted for him.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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