March 15th, 2025

Letter: Conservatives should take pride in differing opinions

By Letter to the Editor on April 19, 2022.

Dear editor,

One thing I really dislike is government spending announcements or big spending programs at election time. The UCP is only having a leadership review and premier Kenney’s spending announcements seem like full election-mode spending. He could have made some of these announcements 3-5 months ago, but he saved them for the most opportune time for his political career.

Another thing I dislike is politicians trying to falsely brand or label their opponents. Premier Kenney calling people in the Conservative party who disagree with him as on the fringe or lunatics or other names seems rather arrogant, Trudeau-style even. Seems like there is a fair number that do not like his leadership, can’t all be lunatics. Every larger organization or political party has a few people who think differently and are brave enough to speak out. That does not mean they should be kicked out of caucus. If they all think alike it means caucus members are not thinking or the leader is a very strong dictator or they are like a bunch of sheep following the leader. The Conservatives, provincial and federal, should take pride in differing opinions or ideas, after all the majority in caucus can easily override any far-off ideas.

Walter Rampel

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