March 15th, 2025

Letter: How can I make a difference?

By Letter to the Editor on March 29, 2022.

Dear editor,

Life has become difficult for so many people among us as both individuals and families frantically decide what they absolutely need and what they may have to do without. The cost of seemingly everything has risen dramatically over the past several months. No matter where we turn, our money buys us considerably less than it did not so long ago. The price of food, gasoline and utilities has increased to a rate that a couple of years ago was unimaginable. Yet wages have not gone up to keep pace with the cost of living. Some people are unable to work through no fault of their own.

While so many struggle to feed their families and keep their bills paid to avoid getting services cut off, there are also many people who could make a difference to ease the burden on those struggling.

There are a few questions I urge you to ask yourself:

1. Could I make a donation to the Root Cellar?

2. Would I be willing to donate a monthly amount to our Community Warmth Program by adding a few dollars to my utility payment to help those struggling with skyrocketing bills they cannot pay?

3. Could I donate to Society of St. Vincent de Paul or the Mustard Seed to help them assist those in need in our community?

4. Would I be willing to donate some of my time to volunteer for a local charity?

Please search your heart for the answer to the questions above, and remember the golden rule: ‘Do unto others as you would like done unto you.’

Kathleen Beierbach

Medicine Hat

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Les Landry
Les Landry
2 years ago

Thank you very much…
I’ve been helping people in crisis for over a year.
You may find this link interesting. It is from Chat TV.