March 15th, 2025

Letter: Good riddance

By Letter to the Editor on March 10, 2022.

Dear editor,

Now that Tamara Lich has been released on bail she will return to Medicine Hat. Thankfully she will leave my province (Ontario).

How sad it was to see this ignorant radical receive the press she did with her distorted view of constitutional rights. She will now be Alberta’s embarrassment once again.

Gordon Leighton

Southampton, Ont.

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3 years ago

I see that Southampton Ontario is 6 hrs from Ottawa. I find it hard to believe the horn honking could reach Gordons ears all the way from Ottawa. And for the record, Tamara Lich is a good woman with moral courage to stand up to tyranny. The Freedom convoy has been called a miracle in many international papers for their bravery and inspiration.

3 years ago
Reply to  SDP

lol……”international papers” , in Canada we just call them simply “domestic terrorists”. That is the name given to those individuals that block major infrastructure preventing needed goods to flow across our boarders and infringe on other Canadian’s rights. The fact that such a minuscule amount of the Canadian population got so much air time is sad……

3 years ago

“ Canadian”…Tamara and the Ottawa Freedom convoy did not block any infrastructure. They are good people standing up for innocent families who were forced to lose their jobs. My gosh , the anger and venom directed against these good families is disgraceful. Sorry you and that Gordon fellow have such malice and anger in your hearts.