March 15th, 2025

Letter: What Canada saw was not the democratic way to a peaceful protest

By Letter to the Editor on March 9, 2022.

Dear editor,

Yet another fine example of the tyranny of the minority! Among the protesters, some misguided, conspiracy minded and anti-science bunch caused such chaos and disruptions. And all in the name of “freedom.” What about the freedom of all the people affected by this in Ottawa, the Ambassador Bridge, Coutts and other places of protest across Canada?

In Ottawa, approximately 50,000 citizens live in the red zone. These people were directly affected for weeks. It was not safe to walk, go to work, or shop in their own neighbourhood. Some protesters tried to remove their masks, spit at them, even urinated and defecated on their lawns. One apartment lobby was set on fire. Some could not go to work. Businesses, shops, schools and daycares were closed. People also suffered through the constant stress of blaring horns, drones at times, diesel fumes and the loud yahoo-ing, Medical staff had problems reaching the hospitals in the zone.

Some demonstrators showed disrespect to a homeless shelter, to sales people, and were disruptive in hotels and other public places. They also showed disrespect to monuments and other infrastructures. Garbage was left here and there. It was a gong show circus of tents, huts, bouncing castles, balloons, hot tubs, pig roasting, BBQs, loud music, carrying jerry cans back and forth,etc.

We could see dubious flags. They became a bunch of illegal occupiers. The press was threatened verbally and at times physically, although the irony is that they didn’t mind being interviewed! They tried to harm some horses. And they call this “freedom” and a peaceful protest!

When the protest was declared illegal by the Emergencies Act, some still continued breaking the law and carried on, even though they were warned of the dire consequences. Some even continued bringing their children. There was mention of overturning a democratically elected government and forming an interim one led by the “Freedom” movement.

What Canada saw was not the democratic way to a peaceful protest, but transforming itself into anarchy. It was simply despicable that a ragtag minority caused such havoc. I believe the clear majority of Canadians felt the convoy and its methods were unacceptable, dangerous, disgraceful and uncivilized. A quick search on the internet of the profile of the convoy truckers organizers will give you pause to how distorted and extreme their views are.

P. Auger-Iannattone

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3 years ago

I thought to post an opinion you had give your name too.

3 years ago

Medicine Hat News..Local journalism initiative funded by the Government of Canada. No wonder most comments are from NDP/ Liberal left wing types. I will stick to CHAT news from now on rather than this paper. Never again will read this. Shameful biased rag.