March 15th, 2025

Letter: It’s time for wholesale political change in Alberta, folks

By Letter to the Editor on March 2, 2022.

Dear editor,

Kenney and Toews must be spending too much time in the Sky Palace and are suffering from oxygen deprivation. The rise in oil prices was caused by Putin invading Ukraine and caused an oil shortage. Even so, crowing about balancing the budget is merely a deflection from the fact Alberta is $18 billion in the hole, where is the plan to pay that off? Instead we get a promise of more ICU beds and maybe more provincial buildings, which I might add now only pay 50% of property taxes owed to municipalities.

“We’re focusing on what we can manage – oil prices will go up and down, but we’re looking to create more stability, more sustainability in Alberta’s income statement,” said Toews, who added the UCP government’s spending has been trimmed to within that of comparator provinces.

This is more doublespeak, and what, pray tell, is a comparator province?

“Without the flattening of this operating expense curve, we would not be presenting a balanced budget today,” he said.

Remember that last time Kenney flattened a curve, massive unemployment, mountains of hypocrisy, draconian people controls and nothing to show for it. Kenney’s only saving grace is the NDP would be worse.

Time for a wholesale, curve flattening, sustainable stability, I feel your pain, political change folks.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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