March 15th, 2025

Letter: We all agreed to make the government the boss

By Letter to the Editor on February 23, 2022.

Dear editor,

Most parents have heard their child tell them “that you are not the boss of me.” However the parents are the boss.

As it is with the truckers’ protest. In Canada the government is the boss of all of us. This is because the people in government were elected by us and given the right to be our boss. We expect the government to ensure the safety of the citizens by making laws and rules that protect everyone.

In Canada if we feel the government is not doing something correctly, we have the freedom to express our feelings at the ballot box.

In some cases some people feel so strongly about things they will form a political party to get elected so they can be the boss and do things the way they think it should be done. René Lévesque is a good example.

Because the government added new qualifications needed to be a trucker to protect the population, it is not taking away anybody’s freedoms. To be a trucker one needs to earn the required training and licences. Now a vaccination to protect you and others from a deadly virus has been added as another requirement to be a trucker.

This isn’t about you.

Truckers have the freedom to refuse to be vaccinated but decisions have consequences.

If you want to be a trucker the requirement now includes a vaccination, their choice.

If you refuse to take advantage of the science that has proven to be beneficial in preventing and/or reducing the effects of this virus please, stay home and let the rest of us who believe in science get the medical care we need by not having our hospitals filled with unvaccinated people.

If everyone got vaccinated as soon as it was possible we might have had the virus under control by now.

Mike Beaton

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Silly. As you know, the vast majority of truckers are vaccinated, some estimates go as high as 90%. And this deadly virus? The one where 97-99% of people that get it fully recover from it? And please, anyone that still uses the Fauci term “the science”, has not researched science objectively. For most of the first year and a half, they told us masks were effective. Turns out they are like trying to block mosquitoes with a chain link fence. Oh and remember when Biden said that if you get the vax you will NOT get covid?! Too funny. As of Feb.23/2022, I have three triple-vaxxed, mask-wearing friends all with covid. So the experimental jab did nothing to prevent them from getting covid, not to mention the n95 masks they wear. And vaxxed people spread the virus, perhaps far more than the unvaccinated. So please quit following the mainstream narrative and their “political science”, because that narrative is crumbling. Turns out it was about obscene profits and control the entire time, wake up and smell the nonsense, you have been played.

3 years ago

So Canadian citizens are supposed to be treated like children by their government? And government is our boss? In a true democracy it’s the other way around. You would’ve been a model citizen in the Soviet Union or Communist China but adult Canadians can see the tyranny at play by the black-faced Prime Minister.

3 years ago

We didn’t agree to make government the boss of everything! The Constitution, not the government, is the highest law in the land, and the ruling party and every other law must abide by it – bottom line.
The sloppy thinking evidenced in this letter is what will give us an unequal and segregated society, run by those financially able to run an election campaign, rather than a country built on “the rule of law” and for the benefit of all citizens.
I think you could lose a few pounds Mike, and the science agrees! Which medical benefits can we start restricting for you, since you are a higher risk to the system?