March 15th, 2025

Letter: Another Trudeau at the helm

By Letter to the Editor on February 23, 2022.

Dear editor,

I don’t know whether it’s co-incidence, divine intervention or whatever… I am old enough to remember a Mr. Pierre Trudeau, then the Prime Minister, invoking what I think was the War Measures Act; possibly not exactly that particular Act. The crisis then was the F.L.Q., the October 1970 crisis (surely everybody in my age category who had been interested in things other than hockey, football, golf, whatever, will know/remember what that acronym stood for) was on the very verge of, if not just disrupting, but totally destroying all that the Canadian Confederation stood for. It included the brutal murder of an important member of the political establishment, attaching explosives to mail boxes, total misinformation/propaganda. In other words Mr. Pierre Trudeau was absolutely correct in invoking that ’emergency’ act, which included calling out the military. Naturally, the opposition of the time roundly condemned Pierre’s action, but only once the crisis had been ‘kinda’ eliminated. The actions Pierre found necessary at that time to invoke were similar, if not as serious, to the action Justin Trudeau felt necessary to ‘invoke’. It won’t be long before today’s opposition will also, naturally, condemn the action Justin found necessary to take. I, along with many others, will most definitely approve of Justin in this ‘crisis’, while probably not at all ‘happy’ with many, if not all, the actions of this present Liberal government.

Again, was it coincidence, divine intervention or..? I’m referring to both crises having a Trudeau at the helm!

Ted Kohlmetz

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Divine intervention! Millions of Canadians especially in the West would have quite different terminology to describe the Trudeau pair. The lust for power and control over the citizenry is a common thread between these two. The old man’s War Measures Act was at least dealing with some violence and terror threats in Quebec. His feckless kid didn’t even have the leadership acumen to meet with a delegation of these disgruntled, hard-working truckers to show some respect for their legitimate concerns. Having done so would’ve taken the edge off the protest right away. Instead, cowardly, from his hideaway bunker, he fired out statements making utterly ridiculous claims about them being racist, antisemitic, misogynistic blah,blah,blah. He has always made the country a laughingstock but this latest performance has heads shaking and eyes rolling all over the globe.