March 15th, 2025

Letter: Let’s all start holding ourselves accountable

By Letter to the Editor on February 17, 2022.

Dear editor,

Regarding holding the politicians accountable for their actions – how about each one of us being responsible for our own actions (or lack thereof)?

How can we expect anybody else be responsible when we ourselves don’t accept that same responsibility?

That is the problem with most of the blockades and protests. Have these folks not considered their own actions very seriously? Have they been sick or lost someone close due to COVID-19?

We do have our rights, but only so far as not infringing on other people’s rights. Let everyone not forget that.

Sure, the restrictions are tough to take – but who has ever said living in this world was easy?

Keith Drysdale

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

“plenty of commies in the Hat” , wow just wow………so sad.

3 years ago

Just wondering what you think of Trudeau’s new WEAPON…….Emergency Measures Act…….as IF we are in a war zone??

3 years ago

Keith, we have been responsible and followed Covid rules for over two years now. Most of us are double vaccinated and don masks. Some of us have even had Covid, regardless of our vax status or the masks we wear. In the beginning we knew little of Covid and this created a lot of fear in society followed by mandates and restrictions. This is not the case now, we have a greater understanding of the virus and the vaccine, we know the virus kills about 0.001% of those that catch it and the average age of death is 78 years old. We know that most deaths are only Covid related as the patient has other health issues such as COPD or cancer. We know the common flu before 2020 killed just as many people as Covid. We know the infected numbers of people are on a big decline since Omicron hit. So with all this knowledge why is it so important for the government to add more restrictions? Even the health minister of Canada has stated it is time to move in the other direction and learn to live with Covid. Mandate freedom means you have choice, choice to wear a mask if you desire, choice to get experimental immunity booster shots if you desire, choice to hide in your home and never go out if you desire. It is a sad day when peoples FEAR of something imposes them to strip other humans of their God given rights. With everything we have learned these past two years it is time to lay off the spreading of COVID FEAR.