March 15th, 2025

Letter: Bullying by the province must be OK

By Letter to the Editor on February 15, 2022.

Dear editor,

So it is OK for Kenney’s provincial government to steal Medicine Hat’s lunch money by not paying all their property taxes but heaven help the city resident who fails to pay.

Then you wind up out on the street with the other non-existent Medicine Hat homeless population.

I remember a time not long ago where if a fellow could not pay his debts he lost all credibility and trust, oh yea I forgot politicians have no trust or credibility.

Do as I say not do as I do and then politicians wonder why the trucks are not leaving as quickly as the politicians would like them to. I guess ordinary folks have a different viewpoint on life in general.

The truckers showed up to be heard, being a nuisance for two weeks and then going away means the politicians can ignore this issue, I guess that ain’t gonna happen either.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

And Ian, the BIGGEST BULLY OF ALL is the PM……War Measures Act? Wow the guy must really be scared of his shadow. The only bullies I saw in the Ottawa streets were the same people that are supposed to “Protect & Serve” not beat on them with clubs, hit them with tear gas canisters, or RUN THEM OVER WITH A HORSE???? where will this end? The BIG bully is in over his head and POWER HUNGRY, which is a very dangerous combination……