March 15th, 2025

Letter: Truckers are fighting for the freedom of us all

By Letter to the Editor on February 10, 2022.

Dear editor,

On Jan. 23, a large group of people decided that enough is enough and began a trek across this big, beautiful (and cold!) country of ours, to take back EVERY Canadian’s basic freedom and right to gather and travel without having to provide confidential health information, and to make informed decisions about their health.

They have been met with an overwhelming response of gratitude and hope and countless tears (and food, my gosh, the food!), but unfortunately a certain media has chosen to magnify isolated rogue incidents not necessarily attached to this great convoy.

And a popular Facebook post read: “A convoy of nurses, doctors and health care workers are going to work and they have been every day. Support that!”

And we all have. The last two years have been an exhausting roller coaster of constantly-changing protocols, lockdowns, mandates and bank-breaking business closures.

We all recognize and applaud the important work that our frontline health-care workers have done. But, as Canadian singer Brevner pointed out in his song, “More of Us”, that important sector has become ‘last year’s heroes.’

This convoy is working for the freedom for us all, whether we believe we’re free or not. Our frontline health-care workers are the heart; our truckers are the spine!

Judi Coombes

Medicine Hat, AB.

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3 years ago

These convoys are NOT fighting for ME!!! They are causing the very harm, and more, that they say they are fighting against! Be very careful supporting these types of illegal protests, because in the future, you may see the same tactics used from others fighting for what they feel is unfair but that you do not agree with.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jo
3 years ago

I am all for one’s right to protest. But when those individuals protesting infringe on the rights of fellow Canadians by impeding travel and blocking goods needed to support our economy, they are essentially domestic terrorists. As one of many businesses reliant on import/export during an already tough economy this disruption of goods at our boarders may lead to reduced hours for staff and or cutting of employee benefits. Individuals whose income are heavily derived from those workers using the benefits will see a economic impact ….Thus the ripple effect continues.

3 years ago

Well said Judi, thank you