March 15th, 2025

Letter: This isn’t a Canada we can accept

By Letter to the Editor on February 9, 2022.

Dear editor,

First let me say I identify as he/him, Christian, and a “progressive” conservative who currently votes for New Democrats. That out of the way, let me also say in the past two weeks I do not recognize the Canada I have always cherished.

I do not recognize streets clogged by occupationalists carrying hateful symbols, American flags, Trump signs, or truck drivers demanding an overthrow of a rightly elected government. I do not recognize a Conservative party that supports criminal behaviour and endorses obstructionist behaviour over bridge-building, creative solutions.

Where is the leadership? Has our divisive mentality obliterated Canada’s “tolerance and understanding,” our better nature?

It is time for us all to “cowboy up” and find solutions. Truckers cannot waive vaccination protocols when Americans insist on them. And there is still a crying need for Canadian truckers within Canada. To date a vast majority of international truckers are vaccinated and there are no passports between Canadian provinces. So where’s the beef?

A plurality of Canadians is vaccinated and support the vax passports and mask mandates. They want to stay safe. It is their right. If we believe in democratic values, this majority should “rule.” You do not have to be happy about that. Yes, you have a right to protest. But you do not have a right to infringe on the freedom of others’ right to live in peace (and quiet), to work gainfully, and move freely in their cities. Democracy works if you let it. Consider our last civic election!

Come on folks! Cowboy up! You either believe in democracy, traditional Canadian values, Biblical admonitions to obey civic authorities and the laws of the land … or you are an alien presence in my nation.

Apologize, take your flags home – Canada or the USA – and make your case at the ballot box or in lively discourse. It’s the Canadian thing to do.

Les Pearson

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

100% agree!!!

3 years ago

The reason you don’t recognize these things is because they are not happening, what is really happening is the largest peaceful protest in Canadian history, let me repeat that, THE LARGEST PEACEFUL PROTEST IN CANADIAN HISTORY, MSM can spin it how they want but if you put your boots on the ground you would see the truth.
Do you really think the government and police would just stand by for weeks if these were terrorists? Members of Parliament are freely walking past the protest without protection as well as senators for weeks without incident. There have been no riots, no violence. Even the horns stopped when the court order came through. My friend is staying right downtown and stated that the week nights are supper quiet.
The mandates did not stop Covid from entering Canada, now that Covid is in Canada what exactly are we trying to do with travel mandates? You cannot stop the virus from entering Canada if it is already here. Stop the COVID FEAR mongering. Omnicron is a common cold, if you even get any symptoms other than a positive test. I am vaccinated and don a mask for two years now just to avoid what was a 4 day cold? Open your eyes people, its time to start living again. Freedom of choice, if you want a mask go ahead, if you want 4 boosters a year go ahead, see no one is stopping you from doing these things if you choose too but on the other hand I will not be forced into making uniformed medical decisions anymore and I will not condone forcing such on other individuals. I to was forced to either vaccinate or lose my job, I was very upset with this but as I could not afford to live on CERB I took the jab. This is wrong! Our democratic country should have never come so far as to force these want-to-be vaccines that do not stop transmission or infection on its citizens.
I’m sure years from now when we have the numbers on; all the people who died alone in hospitals without family (due to restrictions), all the people who committed suicide over isolation or job loss, all the people with devastating health side affects from these experimental immunity booster shots (if it doesn’t stop infection or transmission it is not a vaccine), when we have this data I believe the main stream narrative will change. In the mean time if you want to cling to Doctor Trudeaus science of vaccination, which believes our country must be 100% vaccinated or die, then go ahead. I myself with stick with educated doctors and nurses and most definitely Truckers.