March 16th, 2025

Letter: Why throw away good money?

By Letter to the Editor on January 25, 2022.

Dear editor:

In response to Jan. 21 News article, “NPF making efforts to keep RCMP in Alberta”

The article described above discussed many aspects of this issue. I ask readers to focus on one in particular, being that Alberta receives $185 million each year from the federal government toward the cost Alberta pays for RCMP policing in the province. Now, please pause for a moment and reflect on the number of times in the last few years you have heard Mr. Drew Barnes, Ms. Michaela Frey, Mr. Jason Kenney and many others in the UCP complaining about what, in their minds, is a great unfairness to Alberta – equalization – which, according to them grossly shortchanges our province.

They, who champion a “fair deal,” which they assure you Alberta is not getting, want as part of that “fair deal” an Alberta police force, the establishment of which would lose for Alberta $185 million per year from the federal government, whose equalization program is, in their minds, shortchanging Alberta. Truly, does this make sense to you? The UCP also reminds us, unendingly, that they are the champions of financial prudence and are careful with tax dollars.

Don’t try to understand the UCP position on this. It is incomprehensibly inconsistent. Just know that it is based on their empire building, and on distracting your attention from their governmental failures with their chronic, disaffected whining.

Gregory R. Côté


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3 years ago

Imagine Cote, of all people in this city, complaining about chronic, disaffected whiners. The guy that writes the paper every week to whine and cry about all things conservative. Completely oblivious to reality!