March 16th, 2025

Letter: Now is not the time to ease public health restrictions

By Letter to the Editor on December 21, 2021.

Dear editor,

In what condition will Alberta’s health care system and the health of Albertans be in January and February, 2022?

The Omicron variant, first identified about three weeks ago, is spreading rapidly. It is supplanting Delta variant as the main pandemic driver. In a short time, epidemiologists have learned that Omicron is much more transmissible than is Delta. Countries worldwide are following the advice of public health experts by increasing public health restrictions to militate against Omicron’s easy transmissibility.

In Canada, where public health law is a provincial matter, all provinces, except Alberta, are listening to those with knowledge and are increasing restrictions. The UCP is decreasing public health restrictions in the face of what looks like an Omicron avalanche heading at us and at our hospitals.

Mr. Kenney and our two local MLAs defend decreased public health restrictions by saying people are tired of the restrictions and don’t want to obey them. This shows a foolish attitude and a lack of leadership. They pander to the childish ideology of the libertarians and reactionary neo-conservatives in their ranks.

I want Mr. Kenney, Mr. Barnes, Ms. Frey (formerly Glasgo) and all who support the UCP to know I am tired of having to drive on the right side of the road, that it is an infringement by government on my personal freedom and I shall drive on the left.

All you fellow citizens driving on the right get out of my way! If either you, or a loved one is injured, or worse, because of me exercising my personal freedom from government intervention in my life, I might suggest complaining to the Undeniably Cowardly Party, except they likely will not have either the courage or leadership to enforce the Traffic Safety Act against me. They will stand up for me because I’m tired of following the law.

Am I being too harsh? Wait until January and February, check out the COVID-19 ICU cases and deaths in Alberta and let me know if the UCP’s gamble has, again – as in the “best summer ever” – shown it to have been too stunted by its ideology to learn from its mistakes.

Gregory R. Côté


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3 years ago

I agree 100 %!!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Jo
3 years ago

Here is a better idea, how about all the cowering Marxists like Cote and his ilk, just shut themselves down in their homes. Get out of the way of intelligent, informed people that choose to live their lives, make a living, and enjoy their families. Your fear is palpable Gregory.

3 years ago

It’s bizarre that these tv-watchers and newspaper-readers still think that any resistance is from people that generally don’t like to be told what to do and dont like laws. This is about corruption period. Elite & government corruption. If you want to get some kind of a taste of it, watch Maafa 21 online, about black genocide. Get some popcorn and see where that takes you. It’ll give you a hint of who runs the show… and may wake you up. Should be mandatory human education, but you wont find it mentioned in The Medicine Hat News or any other news media.