March 16th, 2025

Letter: The antidote for social and relationship unkindness is kindness

By Letter to the Editor on December 14, 2021.

Dear editor,

People across the world struggle to overcome all kinds of problems: poverty, hunger, want, wars, pestilence, crime, greed, physical illness, mental illness, meanness, unfairness, loss of hope and helplessness to name but a few.

I can’t help much on a global scale, but I’ll continue to hold doors for strangers, gladly let people cut in front of me in traffic, say good morning to others, keep babies entertained in grocery lines, stop to talk with someone who seems lonely, tip generously, wave to police, share food, give children a thumb’s up, be patient with sales clerks and service workers, smile at passersby and pay it forward.

I prefer to live in a world where love is visible.

I want to show kindness, understanding and judge less.

Be kind to others. Extend grace, calm and peace to those who may be having a bad day. Forgive yourself.

The antidote for social and relationship unkindness is kindness.

Ray Marco


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