March 16th, 2025

Letter: AHS should provide more comprehensive data regarding COVID outbreaks

By Letter to the Editor on November 19, 2021.

Dear editor,

On Oct. 22, there was a report in the Medicine Hat News stating that the outbreak at Medicine Hat Regional Hospital was over.

The number of cases was reported as 15 staff and five patients, but there is no mention as to the number of vaccinated or unvaccinated cases that were involved.

I find it interesting that AHS is quick to point a finger at unvaccinated cases but conveniently neglects to report cases in which the patient was double vaccinated, as most staff members are, or if the symptoms were actually caused by the vaccine.

In my opinion, if AHS wants to accurately report the number of cases they should break them down into three categories: unvaccinated, vaccinated and reaction to the vaccine. It also seems that the information on deaths should be further broken down into three categories: those dying with COVID, those dying from COVID and those dying from some type of reaction to the COVID injection.

Delvin Heller

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Hahahahah, good luck with that. You are now on “a list” somewhere.