March 16th, 2025

Letter: Cynical and cowardly leaders blind themselves to the magnitude and importance of problems

By Letter to the Editor on November 16, 2021.

Dear editor,

The Alberta government sent only two lower-ranking government employees to the climate summit.

Premier Jason Kenney cynically derided it as a “gab-fest.” About 25,000 people attended, including leaders and high-ranking officials from more than 190 countries. An agreement on greenhouse gas emissions reduction was ultimately negotiated.

Alberta had no input in the negotiations. Other provinces sent their environment ministers. The latest scientific evidence on causes of and remedies for human-caused climate change was presented, but no one in Alberta’s government was there to receive it, nor to discuss it with people from all over the world.

Mr. Kenney’s cynicism can be explained by quotes from speeches given at the summit by former U.S. President Obama, and by U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Mr. Obama, in addressing the urgent need to counter global warming, said “I have learned that cynicism is the refuge of cowards.” Similarly, Mr. Johnson said, “We know what needs to be done. We just need the courage to do it.”

Cynical and cowardly leaders blind themselves to the magnitude and importance of problems. Resultingly, they fail their public.

Alberta’s leader and government will not understand and admit much of the world wants rapid, large-scale reductions of coal and fossil fuel use. The reductions will not happen tomorrow, but they will happen, and happen much sooner than later.

Everyone working in these industries will be best served by an Alberta government which helps them make changes the world demands. This is about adapting for the future and not living in the past.

Will the UCP explain to farmers and ranchers in south-east Alberta how much hotter and drier summers can be before they are too hot and too dry?

Will they tell us how many towns like Lytton, B.C. can burn down before too many have been burnt?

Will they tell the B.C. coroner’s office how many deaths from excessive summer heat are acceptable if the 596 heat-related deaths there this past June are not too many?

One more quote, from a Calgary emergency doctor who attended the climate summit. Speaking generally to politicians, everywhere, Dr. Joe Vipond said, “Physics doesn’t really give a crap about politics.”

I understand that reality. Do you?

Gregory R. Côté


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3 years ago

So charging me an extra 30 cents a liter for gas is going to solve this? Amazing!

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

Wait until you see what slashing $9.4 billion off our corporate taxes like your hero Jason Kenney did to us does to you?
Can you boys see any reason why the true conservatives are calling you Traitors for not listening to them. They want rid of Kenney and don’t like guys like you who don’t try to defend what Lougheed created for us, or what Kenney has done to lives of Albertans that have been killed by not listening to our doctors.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Is it, and you could prove differently if you were asked to do so in court, right? Why don’t you give it a try? Tell how you would defend yourselves?
Maybe you would like to call Shell Canada oil executives liars for wanting to power their Scotford oil refinery with solar power, or the town of Devon who have been powering their Rec Center and streetlights with solar power since 2015.. Then there is the Travers Solar Power project started in 2017 that will provide power to 150,000 homes. Add in Germany with a population of 83 million who will have zero emissions by 2045 and it makes these Kenney supporters look rather stupid, doesn’t it.
The fact is boys you have let these phony conservatives, reformers, treat you like morons and if you don’t start listening to the intelligent Albertans I think you might find yourselves in court, what do you think?
I can assure you that Albertans have gotten sick and tired of your ignorant comments.