March 17th, 2025

Letter: Equalization referendum was a vote about nothing

By Letter to the Editor on November 3, 2021.

Dear editor,

Mr. Kenney claims the results of the referendum are useful. The numbers show otherwise.

Only 39% of eligible voters voted. Of that 39%, 61.7% voted “yes.” In other words, less than two-thirds of less than 40% of voters voted “yes.” Stated another way, only about two out of nine people in the electorate voted “yes” to the question. The referendum was supposedly about amending Canada’s Constitution, which is complex and hugely important. The support of two out of nine eligible voters carries little weight toward that end.

Additionally, the actual question on the Oct. 18 ballot was not what Mr. Kenney and his supporters told us it would be. For more than two years we have been told by the UCP and by Drew Barnes that equalization needed to be reformed as part of a” fair deal.” In July, Mr. Kenney said the referendum was “…to vote on reforming equalization…”

Why did the actual ballot question ask whether the principle of making equalization payments should “…be removed from the Constitution.”? Mr. Kenney and his followers told us we needed a “fair deal” but asked us to vote on “no deal.”

The difference is large.

Thirdly, the referendum was a vote about nothing. The proof of that is shown by a hypothetical. Pretend Mr. Kenney and the referendum promoters could snap their fingers and instantly get what they want: No equalization in Canada. Now, ask yourself if more pipelines will be built, if Alberta taxpayers will pay less federal income tax, if the federal carbon tax will disappear, and if all the disadvantages foisted upon a victimized Alberta by a rapacious, uncaring Ottawa (in the minds of the Umbrage Continuous Party) will disappear? The answer is no.

The equalization referendum was a tantrum, about nothing, held to distract the public from the UCP’s miserable performances on the pandemic, on their wholly unwelcome coal mining sell-out, on their laughably backward education curriculum and on their open warfare on our doctors, nurses and teachers.

Just like a magician wants, they want to distract your attention so you come to believe and accept the unbelievable.

Gregory R. Côté


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

I wonder how you can explain why Kenney has already admitted that the vote had no real meaning? He he can do nothing about changing the constitution. Let’s hear you? The fact is he has once again pulled the wool over the eyes of these ignorant seniors. Too dumb to understand it.
From being with the Harper government he knows it can’t be done and this proves it:
“Jason Kenney Will Try To Spin His Anti-Equalization Referendum Vote As A Huge Victory – Don’t Believe Him”.
This guy is considered to be the worse LIAR Albertans have ever seen in politics, yet these senior fools just keep on believing every word he says.
Make certain you read what the Constitutional Lawyer said. Gregory is right and you aren’t.

Lynn Thacker
Lynn Thacker
3 years ago

I agree with your position totally. But trying to discuss meaningful ideas with these misinformed people who are unwilling to understand or research the issues is hopeless!

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

So while these two ignorant seniors continue to support this liberal turned reformer in Jason Kenney and ignore the horrible mess he has created in this provinces and don’t care who lost their lives because of the way he handled the covid pandemic, they are lot smarter than the rest of us.

Too dumb to realize his popularity is down to 22% from 61 and the true conservatives are calling them traitors for going against the wishes of the majority of Albertans who can’t wait to kick him out.