March 17th, 2025

Letter: Loss of glaciers has massive impact on water supply

By Letter to the Editor on October 15, 2021.

Dear editor,

Glaciers supply much of Alberta and Western Canada with drinking water, especially at times of the year when other sources of water are at their lowest, (University of Alberta atmospheric sciences associate professor Jeff) Kavanaugh said.

“Glaciers pick up the slack right when we need it the most,” he said, as they provide water supply after the snow pack has melted away, rainfall is at its lowest, and evaporation from the landscape is at its maximum.

“We’ve come to rely on these summer supplies of water provided by the glaciers. And they’re not going to last much longer.”

— with files from CTV News Edmonton’s David Ewasuk

The glaciers will soon disappear. The South Saskatchewan River will be reduced to a trickle. There will not be enough water to keep a goofy Meridian reservoir full. This is exactly what has happened to the reservoir behind the Hoover Dam.

The idea is ridiculous.

Fred Lewis

Medicine Hat

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