March 17th, 2025

Letter: Don’t take out your frustrations on fellow travellers on this journey of life

By Letter to the Editor on September 29, 2021.

Dear editor,

Last Friday night I took my wife out for a late supper as a “date night” in Medicine Hat to a local restaurant after a busy week. At our table we were asked to show proof of vaccination and ID. Though we are not supporters of mandates, we understand the impossible situation business owners and their employees have been placed in, and were cordial and polite to our waitress. We believe in supporting local.

What got my attention though was how anxious and almost afraid our server became as she asked. As we put her at ease, she confided that there have been some local customers who have taken their anger and frustration over the government vaccine passport program on her, to the point she has unnecessary anxiety. She said I need to work, I don’t have a choice…which I understand. Those who label businesses essential and non essential are showing their financial privilege, and as a former business owner myself with employees, I know the stress and responsibility that come with business ownership.

Friends, let us remember vaccine passports are a government decision made by the provincial government. Verbally abusing employers and employees does nothing to change the legislation, but simply prove you are a bully as you terrorize people who simply are trying to make a living during what had been a brutal 18 months on local businesses.

If you wish to make a statement with your wallet then don’t go to those businesses that require it, and if you do, then don’t take out your frustrations on fellow travellers on this journey of life. Contact your local MLA, get involved in provincial politics, write letters to the editor, and put your energies where they have an actual chance of making a difference.

Be Kind.

Scott Raible

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