March 13th, 2025

Letter: Public trustees’ code of conduct needs to be revised

By Letter to the Editor on September 17, 2021.

Dear editor,

It doesn’t surprise me that the Public School Board would not express any opinion regarding the letter from concerned citizens regarding COVID restrictions to protect children in school, as reported in the News, Sept. 15.

Item 4 in the trustees’ code of ethics of the public board is essentially a gag order preventing any board member from expressing an opinion that does not “reflect the Board’s policies or resolutions.”

So much for freedom of speech!

The News asking for a trustee’s opinion on any matter, let alone protection of our children, would be met with silence because of Item 4.

Unlike members of city council whose divergent opinions we hear all the time, a public school trustee is prevented from freely communicating with the public. If you were wondering why we only hear from the public school board through the superintendent or the board chairperson, Item 4 is likely the reason why.

The trustees’ code of conduct needs to be revised.

Michael Seitz

Medicine Hat

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